Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kiss Goodnight

It's been awhile since my last post, mostly because my life has been pretty full. Well.. that's not entirely true.. I started becoming a bit lazy and was also working at the Children's Theatre Company on my weekends.. So really if felt like I was always at work and when I had my one day off.. I just sat around. Then in November I started dating the most wonderful girl, but that recently ended, on good terms and I'll leave it at that. So yesterday, while moping around my apartment feeling the deepest sorrow I have ever felt.. mostly because I have never been in any sort of a relationship before this and even though it ended with us still being friends, it doesn't mean the pain just dissolves away.. and so I needed to get away from society for a bit. So many people think I go hiking for the exercise, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Hiking is more or less a very spiritual experience for me. Any sort of exercise I get out of it is merely coincidence/bonus.

I once again visited the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge: Louisville Swamp Trail. This was the trail I visited back in June and July and had been telling myself I had to visit in the winter.. and though it's technically winter yet.. there was still about 5 or 6" of snow on the ground. I had been meaning to purchase some snow shoes.. but once again, hadn't gotten around to it. And with how I was feeling on the inside, I didn't have time to go out and find a pair.. I just needed to get away. So I grabbed my camera, tripod, water, and some tea. I got all bundled up and headed out. I arrived around 2pm and I saw several other cars were there, but only bumped into one person toward the end of the hike which was nice. I needed the solitude. Hiking is probably the best form of therapy I know.. at least for myself anyway. It gives me a chance to be alone with my thoughts in what I consider the real world.. secluded forest and rivers. Don't get me wrong, I love Afton State Park.. but there's just so many people out there on the trails and motor boats.. It's just not the same as this particular trail. I can hear the silence and the last bit of unfrozen running water pushing through the ice. It never fails.. no matter how terrible I think my life is going.. to just be alone in the woods, makes me feel so insignificant, but in a good way. The world is a much bigger place and I am but a small animal living in it's environment and so my problems are made to be even more insignificant than myself.

When I started out on the trail.. I started second guessing my decision to go out today.. all I had were my regular boots (not water proof) and it was pretty cold. And this was after I had only gone about a half a mile! And then the sorrow I had been feeling at home was returning and I just wanted to quit and go back to my car and go lay in bed until I had to go to work Monday. But despite these negative thoughts, I kept hiking. Slowly, my sadness was melted away in the cold. The sun was starting to descend in the sky and I was worried I wouldn't make it to the old homesteads.. My boots were soaking wet and I could feel my socks absorbing the water. I kept going and in the distance I heard some running water bubbling and I knew I was close to the homesteads. I crossed over the rock damn and made it to the homesteads. I was so happy I kept pressing forward rather than turning back. If I hadn't continued to the homesteads, I not only would've been depressed about my life.. but disappointed in myself for not hiking up to the homesteads. So now I felt my remaining sadness shatter and a smile broke across my face. I snapped some photos and decided to head back, seeing as how the sun was now setting. Thinking back now, I wish I had stayed until night fall.. I sure it would've been beautiful there. To look up and see the stars looking down upon me, but again, my feet were now wet and were starting to feel the cold.

While hiking back, I turned around several times and was just awestruck by the beauty of a sunset in a snow covered forest. I may have said this before, but there are few times in my life that I will break out in an open smile randomly, and this definitely did that for me. The sky was like a beautiful painting, created for all, but I felt it was especially for me. I like to think it was a kiss goodnight from Mother Nature and I thanked her and said goodnight.