Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some Thoughts on Religion

Last Saturday night I went to Afton State Park for their candlelit hike. It was a two mile hike that had candles along the entire trail. I arrived around 6:30 to find that many people had already arrived. It was nice to see so many people getting out and enjoying the night air with their families, friends, and loved ones. It really made me regret not asking someone to come along with me. I think it would have definitely been more enjoyable. It was a fairly easy hike.. mostly because it was along one of the flatter areas in Afton. I had really hoped the path would have been along one of my favorite paths that leads down to the St. Croix River, but alas.. no such luck. It was enjoyable just that same. I was able to do some photography that night, which I'll post at the end of this entry.
There is something I've been wanting to talk about for some time now, and feel I've thought about it long enough to know it is truly how I feel. It pertains to religion. While I'm out hiking, I often dwell on typical topics like the meaning of life, how I feel about how things are in the world, and very often, God and Religion. I am a firm believer that you should believe what ever you wish to believe and you should not force your thoughts and opinions on others. I think Frank McCourt said it best in his memoir "Teacher Man" when he states that people are always bothering one another and how he'll never understand why they must bother each other. So what I think probably isn't right, and I don't plan on convincing anyone otherwise.. It is simply my thoughts.
I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic grade school and high school, and was an alter server for nearly 8 years. Countless times, I would help out in the church, or help out in the school and very often people would tell me how I had certainly earned my place in Heaven or was well on my way to getting into Heaven. This always annoyed me though. I never did anything to try and "earn" my place in Heaven. I have never done anything for the reason of trying to find happiness or peace in the after life. I help, or treat people with respect because I enjoy it and for no other reason. I have heard many people talk of the good deeds they've done and how they're working their way towards Heaven.. and the only thing I can ever think of is why can't people do good without having to think they'll be rewarded in our lives or in the after life? Isn't the fact they've done something commendable payment enough? Why do they need anything more? I've never understood this, and most likely, never will. Which leads me to my next thought on religion. I have found over the years, too many hypocrites in the Church. They say and do one thing on Sunday and then are a completely different person the rest of the week. They back talk and criticize and gossip about one another, but then Sunday comes and they put on a mask to conceal their flaws.
I've found the Church itself is corrupt. From priest scandals, to just spiteful priests in general. Cover up... it's all terrible. I feel church is not needed. I think it often comes from the idea of going to a place where a person knows they'll not only be welcomed, but they have religion in common with the rest of the congregation. If you ask me.. church is less about the Bible, Jesus, and God and more about people gathering and being social with others who they believe share their beliefs. People go to be social. The Bible and God are but footnotes in their reasons for attending church I feel. This I just find annoying. I'm not saying all people who attend church services are like this, but some are.
So many people let the idea of God's existence rule their lives. They say and do good things, because they fear the wrath of God, but I feel this way of life is nonsense. It makes me think that if it were proven that God did not exist, everyone would resort to acts of violence and other evils because they would have nothing to fear. Also ridiculous. There are people out there who do good for the sake of good and do it for not fear of God's wrath, but for the sake of it being right, and just.
I dislike the church now. I do not believe God is in the church anymore. God left the church long ago, if God had ever been in the church to begin with. I have felt a greater spiritual connection while hiking in nature than I ever had in the church. There are many thoughts of what God is, and what God is like. I don't know what God is.. I really don't care. But I do know that God is not in the church. God is in nature. I know this. Anyone who has gone out into the forest by themselves and listened to quiet, knows God, and should also realize, God can not be contained in a structure made by man.

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