Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kiss Goodnight

It's been awhile since my last post, mostly because my life has been pretty full. Well.. that's not entirely true.. I started becoming a bit lazy and was also working at the Children's Theatre Company on my weekends.. So really if felt like I was always at work and when I had my one day off.. I just sat around. Then in November I started dating the most wonderful girl, but that recently ended, on good terms and I'll leave it at that. So yesterday, while moping around my apartment feeling the deepest sorrow I have ever felt.. mostly because I have never been in any sort of a relationship before this and even though it ended with us still being friends, it doesn't mean the pain just dissolves away.. and so I needed to get away from society for a bit. So many people think I go hiking for the exercise, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Hiking is more or less a very spiritual experience for me. Any sort of exercise I get out of it is merely coincidence/bonus.

I once again visited the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge: Louisville Swamp Trail. This was the trail I visited back in June and July and had been telling myself I had to visit in the winter.. and though it's technically winter yet.. there was still about 5 or 6" of snow on the ground. I had been meaning to purchase some snow shoes.. but once again, hadn't gotten around to it. And with how I was feeling on the inside, I didn't have time to go out and find a pair.. I just needed to get away. So I grabbed my camera, tripod, water, and some tea. I got all bundled up and headed out. I arrived around 2pm and I saw several other cars were there, but only bumped into one person toward the end of the hike which was nice. I needed the solitude. Hiking is probably the best form of therapy I know.. at least for myself anyway. It gives me a chance to be alone with my thoughts in what I consider the real world.. secluded forest and rivers. Don't get me wrong, I love Afton State Park.. but there's just so many people out there on the trails and motor boats.. It's just not the same as this particular trail. I can hear the silence and the last bit of unfrozen running water pushing through the ice. It never fails.. no matter how terrible I think my life is going.. to just be alone in the woods, makes me feel so insignificant, but in a good way. The world is a much bigger place and I am but a small animal living in it's environment and so my problems are made to be even more insignificant than myself.

When I started out on the trail.. I started second guessing my decision to go out today.. all I had were my regular boots (not water proof) and it was pretty cold. And this was after I had only gone about a half a mile! And then the sorrow I had been feeling at home was returning and I just wanted to quit and go back to my car and go lay in bed until I had to go to work Monday. But despite these negative thoughts, I kept hiking. Slowly, my sadness was melted away in the cold. The sun was starting to descend in the sky and I was worried I wouldn't make it to the old homesteads.. My boots were soaking wet and I could feel my socks absorbing the water. I kept going and in the distance I heard some running water bubbling and I knew I was close to the homesteads. I crossed over the rock damn and made it to the homesteads. I was so happy I kept pressing forward rather than turning back. If I hadn't continued to the homesteads, I not only would've been depressed about my life.. but disappointed in myself for not hiking up to the homesteads. So now I felt my remaining sadness shatter and a smile broke across my face. I snapped some photos and decided to head back, seeing as how the sun was now setting. Thinking back now, I wish I had stayed until night fall.. I sure it would've been beautiful there. To look up and see the stars looking down upon me, but again, my feet were now wet and were starting to feel the cold.

While hiking back, I turned around several times and was just awestruck by the beauty of a sunset in a snow covered forest. I may have said this before, but there are few times in my life that I will break out in an open smile randomly, and this definitely did that for me. The sky was like a beautiful painting, created for all, but I felt it was especially for me. I like to think it was a kiss goodnight from Mother Nature and I thanked her and said goodnight.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Smitten by Afton

So in my previous post I mentioned looked forward to returning to Afton State Park really soon. Well that turned out to be the very next weekend.. and the Tuesday after that... and today! This park is just fantastic! If only the trails new the St. Croix River weren't so noisy (motor boats and jet skis) and populated. So many people cooking out and having family reunions.. but That's only if you stay on that trail.. which I don't really even spend much time on. The other parts of the park are just amazing! So much variety in both landscape and wildlife. I've been leaving my camera and tripod on the last three hikes in Afton and it seems I constantly run into animals! I swear they know when I have a camera! But it's lightened my load, so that's fine with me. The personal experience is more than reward enough. During the one visit I saw a family of deer, but I didn't spot them early enough. We all just observed each other until the mother decided she didn't want to hang around with he young anymore. I've also seen many chipmunks and squirrels. I did see a group of wild turkeys as well and they just walked away from me as quickly as possible. I've had a few other deer encounters. Probably my favorite encounter so far is of a white tailed hawk. I was walking along a prairie path my second time at the park and when I rounded the corner I saw the hawk on the ground enjoying their meal but then saw me and flew away with dinner. But I found it strange that the hawk didn't fly into the prairie grass but just flew a little ways away and landed on the trail again. We encountered each other several more times and I threatened him (Assuming it was a male hawk) saying if I ran into him one more time I'd name him... And thus we have Howard the Hawk. My third visit I was walking on the prairie trail again and I saw a large shadow cross my path and when I looked up, sure enough it was Howard. He was just gliding in circles, no doubt looking for a meal. He didn't seem to mind me and eventually he flew off into the distance and dive bombed some small critter I'm sure. Today I saw him just flying about the prairie. He seems a bit more comfortable with my presence now. Hopefully the next time I go, I'll be able to take a few photos of him.

But anyway, I just love Afton. There are a wide variety of trails and I've now hiked on most of them. The only one I don't enjoy a whole lot is the paved trail... which once again is along the St. Croix. It's just not as much fun as the rest of the trails. Today I hiked about 9 miles and I definitely tell a difference in how my body handles it from when I took my first trip back at the end of May to Nerstrand Big Woods State Park.

In other news, I'm trying to get away from the internet more. I know it's a great tool to stay connected with friends.. but I've found it to be almost trapping. So I've been cutting back some and just trying to get out more. This past Tuesday was my first ever week day hike... well that's not completely accurate.. My first weekday hike and having to work the next day as well. I got out of work and headed straight for Afton and got in a nice 2.5 hour hike and then went home feeling very much content and at peace. I'm lucky Afton is so close! It's only about a half hour away, so I think any time I have a rough day at work or feel stressed.. I'll just head for Afton!

Also, today I went to a Target and saw they had Marty Stouffer's Wild America for sale. It was separated in two sets. Season 1-6 and season 7-12. They were 19.99 per set, so I bought the first set. I used to love this show when I was a child and I now find that I'm still enjoying them! They offer some great tips and information for observing nature.

So until next time, enjoy our wild America!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Afton State Park

On Saturday I went out to Afton State Park East of the cities. It was quite beautiful. A nice mix of bluffs and prairie. It was a lot like the other state parks I've hiked through with one major exception.. Pine trees. The others have endless seas of big wood forests, but no Pines that I can recall. I stopped at a bench and had a seat and listened to the wind whistling through their branches. The sound is somehow mystical to me. A million images generated by the sound. I just sat there listening with my eyes closed. I wish I could've stayed for hours... or better yet.. had a mini recorder to capture it so I may listen to it before bed. I kept the hike fairly short, only about 4 miles or so. There is 20 miles of hiking trails at Afton, so I'm looking forward very much to returning soon.

While I was on the trail I began to ponder, "Is this just a passing phase? Can I really see myself hiking the rest of my life? Or am I just into hiking just now.. at this moment?" I came to the conclusion that I've always loved nature and that I never had many opportunities in my adult life to embrace nature. But over the past few months, I find myself longing for more time in nature.. and so I feel as though I won't tire of nature.. but rather.. tire of being in the cities. I see myself moving out into a more rural area in time. I think I would like that immensely.

In other news.. Irish Fest is coming up this weekend! I can hardly wait!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday Hike

I've been so busy lately, I haven't had much time for updating. Two weeks ago I hiked through White Water State Park 100 miles south of Minneapolis. It was a bit of a drive, but was quite enjoyable. I hiked up two different bluffs and got to enjoy some nice scenery. The only thing i wish is that there had been less people on the trail. It seemed quite busy. And there was a group of people at the park facility having some kind of party blasting music and it could be heard through most of the park.. Just a bit annoying. Not the peaceful hike I was hoping for.. but it did have it's moments of solitude. I'm hoping to return someday when it won't be so busy.

Last weekend I went back to the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge Louisville Swamp Trail. I did a bit of drawing.. not as much as I liked due to ticks getting on me and my supplies. I was carrying far too much with me this time too. Backpack with two bottles of water, bug spray, two sketch books, art supplies, camera, large case of pastels, and my tripod. I'm not sure what I was thinking.. but it seemed like a good idea at the time. So after a short break of sketching, I figured I'd head down another path I hadn't previously hiked on. It was quite nice, a variety of prairie, forest, and swamp like land. Not a whole lot of wildlife other than a crane and some geese. After awhile on the trail I came upon glacial rock, a massive rock in the middle of a prairie. I really wish there had been some kind of information post explaining how it got there.. It really seemed so out of place. I continued down the path and noticed a sign mentioning the ones trails bridge was out, but I was on a overgrown road that seemed as though it were heading in the proper direction so I followed along this road. I traveled for about a mile and a half or so until I came upon someones private property.. I really didn't want to head back from where I came because my water was running out. I wandered through what looked like a path on the property... not a good idea.. but I thought it was the best thing I could do. I passed through some pine trees and over some barbed wire. I noticed an old broken down road that seemed to have been abandoned for some time and then I noticed a big run down house.. I figured I had had enough adventure for that day. I turned around and noticed a different road, so I walked on that for a while and eventually wound up by the interstate I had driven on to get to the trail. It was after midday and I was in the wide open hiking next to the interstate with the sun beating down upon me. My water unfortunately ran out, so I had to stop and rest several times. I was completely spent and I'm sure the people driving past me at 65/70 mph thought I was a crazy person. I traveled next to the interstate for nearly 3 miles and when I finally saw the road I turned off on to go the trail, I was almost unable to move. My left leg was locking up on me and didn't wish to move anymore. Other cars passed me by and eventually I just came to a stand still for about 8 minutes or so. When I looked down I noticed a rusty old coin. I bent down and picked it up. It was a rusty old quarter from 1985 (my year of birth) I just kept thinking of what are the odds of that? That I would take a wrong path and tire myself out and then happen to stop at this very point and find a quarter with my birth year. I felt there was something to it, so I pocketed it and then when I looked back down, I noticed a penny lying face down.. I decided that this other penny was perhaps for someone else... I know it sounds strange.. but that is just how it made me feel. I eventually reached my car and was really hurting. Luckily I always keep a few bottles of water in the car. After that I went home and passed out in bed. I'm still pretty swore. Turns out I hiked about 9 miles. It's my personal best so far... but for now.. I think 8 miles will be my max when I plan my hikes.. and no more taking fake "possible" trails for me haha. Though I did enjoy the adventure of it all.

Not sure where I'm off to next weekend. Time will tell.

Hope all is well with everyone else in the world.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back from Vacation

Well I have returned from Illinois. The trip was alright. Despite taking roughly eight hours, it wasn't too terrible of a drive. There were lots of of lovely landscapes. I only wish I had, had more time to enjoy it. Next time I'll have to stop off at some of the state parks in Illinois and Wisconsin. Being back in Illinois was sort of surreal, almost as though nothing had changed. I really don't like being stuck around big cities.. I feel as though my life force is slowly being drained. I love Chicago.. I just don't desire to spend a lot of time there anymore. I really wish I had more time to visit some areas in Illinois.. but alas, time flies.
This weekend I'm planning on visiting White Water State Park in southern MN. It's home to the timber rattlesnake.. maybe I'll see one. I'm just itching to get out of here and back to nature.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Homeward Bound

Tomorrow I'll be going on the longest solo road trip I've ever taken. Granted it's only an 8 hour drive to Illinois, it's long nonetheless.  Instead of seeing beautiful forests and bluffs, I will see endless miles of open prairie. I'm rather looking forward to the trip and hope to stop quite a few times along the way, visiting numerous small towns. My posts will be a little scarce once I'm back in Illinois. I have to get ready for my best friends wedding, which should be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I won't have much time to go hiking this coming week and weekend, but after that I'm hoping to go up to Jay Cooke State Park and go hiking with a good friend.

Here's a playlist I'm planning for my trip.. Just artists names rather..

Eagan, MN ~ Lifter Puller
Until MN State Line ~ The Cooper Temple Clause
Wisconsin State Line ~ The Seedy Seeds
Heading into Black River Falls, WI ~ Murder by Death
After Black River Falls to Madison, WI ~ Regina Spektor, Leadbelly, Haley Bonar, The Rolling Stones, Violent Femmes
After Madison, WI ~ Tapes n' Tapes, Cursive
Illinois State Line ~ Radiohead, Simon & Garfunkel
From Rockford to Chicago ~ Shiny Toy Guns, The Ting Tings, Muse
From Chicago to Home ~ Random music/Radio possibly?

Or.. I may go to Starved Rock State Park in IL. It's a bit out of the way.. so we'll see.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not about Hiking or Nature

Today I would like to talk about the only thing I love more than going on hikes. Music. Music has played a huge role in who I have become. Growing up I didn't really listen to music. I heard what the other kids were listening to in the early years of grade school and I never really cared for it. So for quite a few years when people asked me, "What kind of music do you like?" I'd just say, "I don't listen to music." The problem wasn't that there was not any good music out there.. it was more the fact I hadn't been exposed to the right music. In sixth grade that All changed when my father fixed his record player. I put on Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and instantly fell in love. I had never heard music like that before. It opened up a door to all sorts of other musicians like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, etc. Then in high school, I felt sort of out of the cliques and started listening to Nirvana. The music and lyrics felt close to my feelings. As time went on I continued finding new music that I would fall in love with. Radiohead really changed my taste for the more experimental side of music. Then I reached a point where I  basically said, "Ok. That's it... there's no more decent, recent music out there." And so I delved into the past. I started listening to Huddie (Leadbelly) Ledbetter, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Henry Hall and many others. Now I'm probably a bigger fan of music from the 20's - the 50's than I am of the more modern music. But lately I've been on a modern folk music kick. The Seedy Seeds are an amazing folk band that utilizes computer synths and drum machines along with banjo and acoustic guitar. They're truly revolutionary. As for more traditional Folk music of recent years, I have to say Haley Bonar is by far my favorite. Her songs tell countless stories and I never tire of hearing them. Today I had the pleasure of seeing her perform and talking with her for a minute afterwards. She's just a wonderful musician and amazing lyricist. I'm terribly saddened that she is moving out to the West Coast, but at least she will be back to perform a show in August.
I have all of her albums and today while I was at the performance I bought her vinyl of "Big Star" and she got all excited that I was buying the vinyl. It made me smile :) I also asked if she wouldn't mind signing it and she did. She told me how she keeps waiting for someone to come along and tell her they want her to sign really big over her face on the cover hahaha :P I can't wait for her next album and performance. I'm highly anticipating both.
If you don't know who Haley Bonar is, check out her website:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Frontenac State Park

Today I left with the intention of going to Frontenac and then after that, the Barn Bluff in Red Wing, MN.. I however did not expect the hike Frontenac gave me. Had I stuck the hiking club trails, it wouldn't have been terribly difficult.. But I had taken a separate trail which took be down a steep, winding path. It brought me all the way down from the top of the bluff to the shore line of Lake Pepin. It was just beautiful.. If only there were not so many people out in their motor boats and jet skis.. it would've been peaceful. After that I had to hike back up the steep trail and it did a number on me. It's not the hiking I usually do.. but when I reached the top I felt much more accomplished than I usually do when I finish a hike. After that I hiked for another 3 or 4 miles on the regular trail.. It made me grateful that I went on the difficult trail. It was definitely a welcomed change to what I'm used to hiking at the state parks. Afterward I was quite tired and so decided not to visit the barn bluff, as I knew that was a bit of a climb as well and I don't think I would appreciate it's beauty as much had I gone today. So another day. Plus today was overcast.. I'm sure the view will be spectacular when I return in the coming months.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

William O'Brien State Park

Last weekend I went out hiking in William O'Brien State Park. It was definitely a tougher hike than I thought it would be.. but that is mostly because I took all of the difficult trails. I came across a few animals, including some wild turkeys and a snake, not sure what kind. I need to try and have a lighter step while out hiking. I feel I'd have some better instances of observing animals. Here are a few images I took of the park. The landscape had so much variety and beauty that I wasn't really expecting.

This coming weekend I will be hiking in Frontenac State Park as well as the Barn Bluff near it. Henry David Thoreau said of this area this, "Too much could not be said for the grandeur and beauty of the region".

I'm really looking forward to this hike.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Random Post

I love this song. The video is ok.. but i really just enjoy the lyrics. They ring true I think.

Heaven on Earth

My favorite image I have ever taken.
I was at Rocky Mountain National
Park in Colorado. This is truly a place
I would consider Heaven on Earth. If 
I could, I would live here for eternity.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I am a Hiker

By week I am a 3D Designer, but once the weekend arrives, I transform into my true self. I am a hiker. I find that nothing in world makes me nearly  as whole or at peace than when I am out hiking through forests and rolling prairies. For years I have felt a void in my life... I've always felt out of place in modern society... as if born in the wrong time period. I can't relate to many people.. the few that I can relate to, I feel I have little to say to them.. Not because I wish not to speak with them.. but because I feel an unspoken bond of, "You get it. You understand." What greater conversation is there than the one that needs not be spoken, but is simply felt by both persons. So many things are spoken each day.. yet so very little is said. Conversations held thousands of times over.. So much can be said through our bodies and expressions alone. Silence is a blessing. 
Part of the reason I return to nature as often as possible is to experience silence. Let the wind, the creaking of trees, fluttering of long grass, and the song of birds be all that I hear.
Growing up in the south suburbs of Chicago left me feeling isolated and trapped by society.  The only times I really felt content was when I went to the forest preserve in my home town. If only it had been larger. It was my tiny oasis in the desert or society. Since those days I've lived in Minneapolis.. which for the most part made my isolation feel even greater. But now that I am free of college and have work.. I am able to travel on the weekends. It has by far been some of my best experiences in life. It's not often I smile randomly... but when I am away from nature and am sitting in front of a computer for 10 hours a day.. I think.. "I wonder where I will go this weekend?" And I smile, knowing the weekend is always approaching. 
Don't get me wrong.. I don't hate all of society... Not hate.. I think my feelings have already been spoken so perfectly by Lord Byron, "I love not man the less, but Nature more."

I have said enough for the evening. I will try to observe my advice and speak less in this journal and post photos of things in Nature I find beautiful or speaker better than any word that could be spoken.